‘Wayward Pines’ is an upcoming mystery thriller series set to debut May 14 2015 on FOX. Adapted from the best-selling novel trilogy ‘Pines’ by Blake Crouch, M. Night Shyamalan is producing, and also directs episode 1 ‘Where Paradise Is Home.’
The story follows Secret Service Agent Ethan (Matt Dillon) investigating the disappearance of two agents in the town of Wayward Pines, an ideal American small town populated with bizarre characters. Terrence Howard plays Sheriff Pope, and Juliette Lewis as Beverly a local bartender.
While the show is filmed in Vancouver, BC Canada the story takes place in Idaho. Vancouver has always been a good backdrop from eerie small town locations, like ‘Smallville’, and ‘The X-Files.’
From the trailer and promotional videos, it’s easy to judge ‘Wayward Pines’ as sharing similarities to ‘Twin Peaks.’ But there’s more than a small town full of quirky Lynchian characters. ‘Pines’ has it’s own universe that should be fun watching the mystery unfold.
via FOX Broadcasting